This is a simplified version of Windows 10 Enterprise 22H2 (Build 19045.2486) on VMware Workstation Pro 16.1.2.
– Windows
* Architecture: x64
* Updated: January 17, 2022
* Language & Keyboard: en-US
* Windows is activated, no user password
– Tweaks
* Open Shell Start Menu installed
* Removed WinSxs Windows Backup, downloaded Windows setup files, Windows Installer baseline cache
* Removed OneDrive + Edge + Microsoft Store and ALL related apps
* Registry: Removed invalid entries (.Net framework 1.0.3705 / 1.1.4322)
– VMware
* Compatibility: VMware Workstation / Player 16.x
* Configurations: Memory: 8 GB, Processor cores: 4
* VMware Tools: Installed
Usage: Extract Windows 10 Enterprise 22H2.7z to a location of your choice.
Open VMware Workstation and open the Windows 10 Enterprise 22H2.vmx file inside that folder
Extracted: 12.7 GB
More about Windows 10 Enterprise 22H2: